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Personal consultations

More and more people are ready to seek help from a psychologist. However, we are not ready to spend years or decades working with specialists, as is common in the West. If you’ve decided that you may need psychological help, here’s a simple test:

  • I know what I’m striving for, and I need specific help to achieve my goals.
  • Outwardly, everything seems fine, but something feels off inside.
  • A significant emotional event has occurred (a breakup, loss of a loved one, relocation, illness, etc.).
  • My relationships are not working out.
  • I want to change my partner (parents, children, bosses, etc.).
  • I want to change myself.

Any «yes» indicates that professional help would be beneficial for you.

Waiting for it to «just pass» means wasting years: it doesn’t «pass» at all, it only sinks deeper into the subconscious, continuing to affect your life from there.


Those who come for consultations have specific goals.


Driven by general dissatisfaction with the current stage of life.


They experience positive changes in all areas of life.


How much time will it take?

I can’t predict the future over the internet, so I can’t give you an exact answer in advance. However, I can tell you with certainty that all of my clients achieve results, and these results are often greater than expected. This is because I work with the subconscious, and that’s where all the issues are addressed right away. Noticeable changes in all areas of life will quickly make your investment worthwhile.

How much does it cost?

The cost of a psychologist’s session ranges from 1,500 RUB to 10,000 RUB or more with certain specialists. The price of a consultation is determined by factors such as the cost of education and professional development of the specialist, personal supervision, unpaid time off, overhead expenses, and… the waiting list for consultations. I have all of the above.

Is it possible to do it for free?

Yes! There are always plenty of free ways to work on personal growth: meditations on YouTube, free webinars, e-books – and I share all of these generously too. You can also go to church and pray (no sarcasm – sincere prayer and faith work wonders, but not everyone succeeds, which is why there are fewer miracle workers than there are «workhorse» psychologists).

And with a discount?

Do you need the result in full or partially? A discount is not available. However, you can join one of the existing groups (see more details on the website) – this is very affordable and gives great results.

Psychology is not a business or a marketing tool. But I sell my time, and you are buying your results. Your result is worth much more.
And by the way, I pay taxes.

Personal consultation with Galina Turetskaya

12000 руб.

Consultation with a psychologist from our project

4000 руб.

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